Thursday, August 6, 2009

Who will replace Paula: Bye Paula, Hello J-Lo??

Amidst the public breakup of Paula and American Idol, rumors have been running rampant of possible replacement. Every one is a possibility: from Posh Spice to J-Lo.

Apparently only Paula has seemed to have lost her mind in Hollywood. Rejecting a $10 million contract extension. Is she insane? Some people will not even see that amount of money in their lifetime, but it was too little for her? Oh yeah, did I mention her asking price was $12 million? Not only is she insane, but not mathematically inclined either because she went from possible earnings to 0. Oh perhaps she's been living in Hollywood too long, and is unaware the rest of the country is in a recession (LOL). Paula the "nurturer's" critiques were often overly positive, slurred, and irrelevant. For example, what do the hell does some one's outfit have to do with anything if they sang horribly? $12 million, $10 million, who cares!! Most of us would only dream

Reportedly Posh spice could replace Paula. The thought of this seems so boring. I have yet to see a photo of this lady smiling. Which leads me to question what type of personality or flavor she would bring to the show.

According online source, Jennifer Lopez aka J-Lo, or most recently Lola, is the process of brokering a deal with Idol producers. Now this would be a match made in heaven. Jennifer has personality, hootspa, and she too would have that maternal figure, and would be able to identify with contestants. And of course, she is a dancer choreographer.

Simon Cowell and Ryan Seacrest publicly voiced their support of wanting Paula back, but to no avail. I guess its safe to say, Simon doesn't always say, huh?

Who do you think should replace Paula?

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