Thursday, July 2, 2009

Man strips naked and disrupts US Airways Flight

A passenger who stripped naked while aboard US Airways jet bound for Los Angeles, and caused the plane's diversion, will be arraigned, today. He may be ordered to undergo psychological evaluation.

Keith Wright, 50, was arrested by federal officials for interfering with flight crew members when it landed Tuesday night in Albuquerque.

Wright, a navy veteran, reportedly disrobed his clothing during the flight and refused to put them back on, forcing flight attendants to cover him with blankets.

According to the NY Daily News, Wright's family said he suffers from a bipolar disorder.

The good news? You didn't think there would be any given the circumstances,huh? All the research I've done indicates that flight disruptions are rare, consistent, but rare, given the number of flights that occur daily. Aah...we can all breathe a sigh of relief. While mental illness is such a complex topic, Wright's family needs to take a more assertive role in making sure that he takes his required medications, because the often mentally ill adults do not realize their illness, and will not take medications when necessary. There is the old saying, "If its not broken, don't fix it". Which is why another loved one has to take charge.

On a lighter note, how do you think the passengers nearby him, felt knowing that someone who is clearly not of sound mind, sat in the midst, and naked at that?? That's creepy stuff!

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