Thursday, July 2, 2009

No Charges filed against former Commissioner Blair

Okay, don't bother calling the psychic network for a reading...this website exists, free of charge. As I predicted earlier, there was probably more than meets the eye, when it came to Brian Blair's domestic case. Apparently the prosecutors agreed, dropping the child abuse charges that were levied against Blair. reports that prosecutors came to the conclusion that Blair's son was the aggressor in the scuffle, even though he may have thrown the first punch. Apparently, Blair argued with both his sons, age 17 and 14, for breaking their curfew.If worse came to worse, Blair could have argued that he was simply disciplining his kids, but some how the situation spun out of control.State law allows parents to use corporal punishment to discipline kids, within reason.

Call me Miss Cleo.. Oh yeah I forgot she was a a psychic or just consider me an individual with some good old common sense, but there were just some facts surrounding the case that I found questionable, on the part of the sons. For one, why were those children up 4 am in the morning???!! Enough said. Parenting is very difficult, especially parenting teenagers. They resemble adults physically, but cognitively are unable to make the decisions that an adult would. However, in their minds they can. Which is why they tend not to listen.

Anyway, I hope that this family can heal, together as most families do during times of crises.And I hope the boys realize that rules are put in place for their own safety and/or well being. Certainly, if they can't abide by the rules enforced at home, how will be abide by the laws of the land? Well, regardless of what you may think of Blair professionally, this is a small victory for parents everywhere!

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