Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Add another Title to President Obama: Super Fly Swatter

The Today show airing of the clip of President Obama swatting away a fly during his with CNBC, has created a buzz about his precision.

The pesky fly thwarted President Obama's interview on his plans for financial regulation, and the President swatted and killed it in one sudden movement,on air.

I know, I know, there are more important things to discuss other than President Obama's fly swat, but I'm from an island in which flies and mosquitoes and a plenty, and I know first hand it is very difficult to catch a fly especially, and it takes a lot of skill. Which is why there are so many fly swatting devices on the market.

Anyway, a soft news piece is good for us once in a while, for us to maintain our sanity.

UPDATE: 6:56 NBC Nightly News Anchor Brian Williams reports that members of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) are upset about the President's lack of sensitivity upon killing the fly. WTH??? It's a fly for goodness sakes, you know those disease carrying, skin biting insects. I usually agree with PETA, that all animals should be treated fairly, but this is one time that I have to disagree with them.


  1. Obama would have caught the fly with a pair of chopsticks if he had any with him at the time

  2. With the precision that he had. I couldn't agree with you more bandit.:)
