Monday, June 15, 2009

Latino Explosion!!

Are Latinos on their way to being the majority in the United States? This notion may certainly be in the horizon as have surpassed African Americans as the largest minority, according to CNN News.

According to census statistics, 1 in 4 children born in the U.S. are of Hispanic roots, according to a recent immigration report ,and within 50 years Latinos are projected to compose a quarter of the national population. The face of America is changing, as a result of growing boom.

As a result the 2010, census will be extremely important for all Latinos. Whether you're of Dominican, Puerto Rican, Boriqua, or Morena, legal or illegal, it doesn't matter!! This biggest challenge? Many illegals don't participate for the fear that they may be deported. Little do they know, their information are not shared with other government agencies. Others have because they are monolingual or Spanish only, and some families also lack the resources and knowledge about the importance of census participation. Which is why the Census Bureau has been using Spanish groups and workers to come up with creative ways to get the word out about the 2010 Census.

So why is this census such a big deal? The census determines were funding is allocated for health care, education,housing, employment, among other programs. It determines who gets the money.

At the rate in whic the Latino population is growing, its not implausible to think that the US could become a part of Latin America. All I have to say is "Latinos, Que Pasa??"

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